Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Thanks Buttons and Dc for the helpful tips about ink pads, I'll have a look out for those.  Good idea about buttons for male cards, Joy.  

I bought a cardmaking magazine today.  I don't normally buy magazines, far too expensive (this one was £5.99 and it was the cheapest in the shop!), but thought I'd try one, if only to see some ideas.  It came with some free stuff (I should think so too!) - a lovely set of A4 papers, and an ink pad, and another mag about parchment craft (another completely new to me thing).  The best thing of all though was the wealth of ideas for cards in the magazine, some really fantastic makes and designs, it's given me loads of inspiration.

I know I keep saying this, but am so glad I made the decision to start cardmaking (even if it did come late to me), it gives me so much pleasure.

I can't show the birthday card I made this morning, as the recipient reads my blog.  I'm pleased with it though, I think she will be too.

I'm going to have to sort out my wool storage unit (it's an Ikea Kallax) and condense the yarn into fewer boxes, so that I have room to store some of my cardmaking supplies....they seem to be multiplying!

1 comment:

  1. That happens to me too - I swear they breed and reproduce when I'm not looking. Especially yarn. The amount of baby balls of yarn is a bit of a give away really.
    Which reminds me - I must look out for a knitting project for the Autumnal evenings.


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