Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Finger painting!

I'm very pleased with my new craft room, it's working out well.  Betty comes in there with me while I'm working and lies on the bed....I'd like to say she watches me with great interest, but in reality she just goes to sleep.  I do have to make sure I don't drop anything on the floor, or at least pick it up straight away when I do....any stray bits of paper etc and she's straight off the bed and trying to eat whatever it is, she's such a scavenger.

Some large fun Christmas cards for friends and family:-

The last one I really enjoyed doing, it was such fun.  I'd been idly googling for card ideas, as you do, and saw some finger painted cards, figures of people, birds and reindeer done with fingers, then details drawn on.  Well, I'm not that artistic, but immediately thought of a wreath, I just used my ink pads as paint.  Not done finger painting since I was a small child, it was great!

Having a break from crafting now, not feeling up to doing it at the moment.

The elderly neighbour came round this morning for me to give her a crochet lesson.  Well, it was, erm, interesting.....she's never done crochet or knitting before and had no idea how to even hold the hook or yarn.  I think we both had a headache by the time she left!  But hopefully she's grasped the basics.....I just showed her how to do chains and then basic rows of doubles (single crochet for US readers).  I suggested she get some practise holding the yarn with enough tension in it, working short rows of doubles and turning her work before we move on to trebles, as she was having enough difficulty with just that.  She can do macramé and quilting, to be honest I think she might be better off sticking with those.  I can't do either of those!  Well, we all have talents in different areas.


  1. Those cards are simply amazing! I really love them, especially the last one.

  2. I'd be calling round for a lesson if I lived close by. Love the cards.

  3. I love your finger panting card, brilliant design.

  4. Fantastic idea, I would have never thought aobut finger painting.

  5. Beautiful cards - they will be a joy for anyone receiving them. The wreath is brilliant. x


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